Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Historic District in Wilmington, Delaware - Spring 1997

There was a wait before I checked in at the Holiday Inn. No breakfast - I went down around the corner downhill and very soon I was into a very old neighborhood and there was a sign for The Fort Christina -  small blue sign on a small street corner. - turned & the Christina - Old Swede's Church Center was there immediately. I brought my bag up the steps % there was a man there who opened the door up for me - inside someone in a dress & flattish shoes was with students -

she said I could go look at the cemetery but the church & the historic house were both only open MWF Sat - or so - I went around returned & knocked - a student-aged girl let me out into the churchyard by the back door. And I walked there just a bit & took some snapshots -

The trees beyond the Amtrak train are in the churchyard at Old Swede's Church

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