his mother feel for her child 's well model for "power feel" as it should be, namely the desire to help and redeem .

Det är det andra slagets maktikänsla som i dessa dagar lägger städer öde och fördriver människorna ur deras hem. De två upprörande bilderna äro från spanska inbördeskriget.)
It is the second kind of power feelings who these days puts cities deserted , and people from their homes. The two scandalous pictures are from the Spanish Civil War.
It is the second kind of power feelings who these days puts cities deserted , and people from their homes. The two scandalous pictures are from the Spanish Civil War.
In yesterday's blogpost I introduced the article from Husmodern, May 1, 1938, which is about power and introduces a discussion with Dr. Poul Bjerre, a respected psychologist of the time. Here the article continues, with the Google Translation and the original from the article in Swedish.
The question to your Soul, which
may relate to the world:
Dr Poul Bjerre is currently on a visit to Germany invited by Philosophical Association to hold a lecture on the topic : Force and anxiety in relation to the internal freedom . To solve the problem of freedom on a whole basis is Dr. Bjerre’s heart 's desire. The mighty passion which animates him in this great endeavor was also used as a warm and vibrant current through the series of lectures he recently held on Swedish radio in which he sought to highlight the only road that leads away from violence and overcomes war.
Can violence be overcome? That is a question that interests us. For who wants to be a victim of violence ? And , who wants to admit that he is engaged in violence , whether he now has policies or just at home on the battlefield .
In his radio talk on these issues Doctor Bjerre talked on war as a psychological apparition . He does not share any of the usual views: one claims that a people's clout is its health, the urge to attack is the highest of virtues and that the military organization is the bearer of the people's highest traditions. Nor the second, according to which war is a relic from the past, and therefore as soon as possible should be culled since its old romance has estimated the decay and become mass- murdering’s big industry, the truly compelling pacifist means after all, if a people in harmony and sense of togetherness succeed in building a country for a good home for all citizens, it is a more glorious feat than any martial victory. Whatever attacks, intrusions on others' fields and power expansion units is the pacifist mindset distance and the military organization is worn under the only of its obligation to protect cultural heritage.
" Which of these two appre -
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hensions man than are supporters of " states Dr. Bjerre, " so you are left with the question misgivings about whether war really can be overcome. In my opinion, the issue is primarily a psychological state long drive. "
Is it that aggressive operations can be compared with other modes of operation as master the essence of man , so is the idea of overcoming
may relate to the world:
Dr Poul Bjerre is currently on a visit to Germany invited by Philosophical Association to hold a lecture on the topic : Force and anxiety in relation to the internal freedom . To solve the problem of freedom on a whole basis is Dr. Bjerre’s heart 's desire. The mighty passion which animates him in this great endeavor was also used as a warm and vibrant current through the series of lectures he recently held on Swedish radio in which he sought to highlight the only road that leads away from violence and overcomes war.
Can violence be overcome? That is a question that interests us. For who wants to be a victim of violence ? And , who wants to admit that he is engaged in violence , whether he now has policies or just at home on the battlefield .
In his radio talk on these issues Doctor Bjerre talked on war as a psychological apparition . He does not share any of the usual views: one claims that a people's clout is its health, the urge to attack is the highest of virtues and that the military organization is the bearer of the people's highest traditions. Nor the second, according to which war is a relic from the past, and therefore as soon as possible should be culled since its old romance has estimated the decay and become mass- murdering’s big industry, the truly compelling pacifist means after all, if a people in harmony and sense of togetherness succeed in building a country for a good home for all citizens, it is a more glorious feat than any martial victory. Whatever attacks, intrusions on others' fields and power expansion units is the pacifist mindset distance and the military organization is worn under the only of its obligation to protect cultural heritage.
" Which of these two appre -
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hensions man than are supporters of " states Dr. Bjerre, " so you are left with the question misgivings about whether war really can be overcome. In my opinion, the issue is primarily a psychological state long drive. "
Is it that aggressive operations can be compared with other modes of operation as master the essence of man , so is the idea of overcoming
war and violence vain .
One object might that such operation can be sublimated, but sublimation is
among the most questionable modern slogans available . Each operation strives
dissolute in the nature of the given path. Is there an aggression drive, it
must, as long as mankind exists, take the form of
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individuals and Peoples mutual attacking each other.
But as far as I can find , there exists no such an aggressive operation. The doctrine of the same has sprung up by unilateral and superficial consideration of operational life and for the sake of a secondary resulting inhibition reaction .
And therefore there is the hope that war and violence can be eradicated from the earth!
But it must be done with the help of one of our being basic instincts - togetherness . Just as we can not live without air we breathe and the earth that when us we can neither live without harmony and belonging with our fellow man.
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No man could stand out with loneliness and the lack of spiritual breath of life. If a man can live freely and to shape his life from their own terms if she words of understanding, shall take and give and to feel connected to people and things , it falls to her , never to molest others and seek to encroach on their territories . It is only when man is isolated from God and the people , as she stands up in hatred and aggression lust hoping to be able to fight it as prevents her. Love is lifelong and harmony is perfect, but turned down the love turns to hate.
It is with nations as with the individuals : Where there's wiggle room for the public and no pressure from above, preventing them to develop each according to their own nature and spread in USEFUL activities , which are learned and assimilerer valuable influences from and far, where nothing disturbs intercourse and agreement with other folks, there disappears aggression.
Clue, it is important to combat the primitive power of the ideal. It is not only statesmen and other influential persons of that : we find it prevalent around us. In one seek the will to power outlet on the social battlefield , at another in the voluntary sector or to sports . Is all publicity weighs blocked flows will to power out of family life . The marriage becomes a battle-ground for struggling wills . Ostensibly terms of the battle was the cabinet shall be
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and what the kids will wear, but basically it is a question about who is the strongest.
If we were to make it clear to us that there are two kinds of power , violence, power and solving. Then I say : I own power over this person , it can mean : I can force her to do what she did not want, I can make her existence to nothing , she is totally in my power . But the channel also means I can help this man to do what she wants deep down clean not able of herself - she is perhaps impotent against circumstances or a single periodicity or need additional power from another person to be free. Power is in such conditions power to redeem . Before the peace of the world can become a reality, the individual human being Domma far that desire with her will be greater that the power of his soul to solve the slumbering potential of the other and see them perfected than that with the power of his sryrka destroy them.
Through collaboration of fortunate circumstances , we Swedes have in rare
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degree been free from oppression and thereby from attack of lust reaction against oppression. So it is, too our duty to ourselves, our survivors and human beings to do what we
load of columns on 21st
can to such a precious heritage of freedom from aggression in the Swedish soul is not to be wasted. It is best done by seeking to realize the power of ideals to redemption and blessing , which basically lives within us all. - The day this happens for the entire West Landers vidkom -
(Continued a page . 44th )
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future becomes a power experience with which no existing power performance can be compared.
So far Dr. Bjerre . And here let us now other people in connection with his response to confess about their experiences.
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individuals and Peoples mutual attacking each other.
But as far as I can find , there exists no such an aggressive operation. The doctrine of the same has sprung up by unilateral and superficial consideration of operational life and for the sake of a secondary resulting inhibition reaction .
And therefore there is the hope that war and violence can be eradicated from the earth!
But it must be done with the help of one of our being basic instincts - togetherness . Just as we can not live without air we breathe and the earth that when us we can neither live without harmony and belonging with our fellow man.
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No man could stand out with loneliness and the lack of spiritual breath of life. If a man can live freely and to shape his life from their own terms if she words of understanding, shall take and give and to feel connected to people and things , it falls to her , never to molest others and seek to encroach on their territories . It is only when man is isolated from God and the people , as she stands up in hatred and aggression lust hoping to be able to fight it as prevents her. Love is lifelong and harmony is perfect, but turned down the love turns to hate.
It is with nations as with the individuals : Where there's wiggle room for the public and no pressure from above, preventing them to develop each according to their own nature and spread in USEFUL activities , which are learned and assimilerer valuable influences from and far, where nothing disturbs intercourse and agreement with other folks, there disappears aggression.
Clue, it is important to combat the primitive power of the ideal. It is not only statesmen and other influential persons of that : we find it prevalent around us. In one seek the will to power outlet on the social battlefield , at another in the voluntary sector or to sports . Is all publicity weighs blocked flows will to power out of family life . The marriage becomes a battle-ground for struggling wills . Ostensibly terms of the battle was the cabinet shall be
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and what the kids will wear, but basically it is a question about who is the strongest.
If we were to make it clear to us that there are two kinds of power , violence, power and solving. Then I say : I own power over this person , it can mean : I can force her to do what she did not want, I can make her existence to nothing , she is totally in my power . But the channel also means I can help this man to do what she wants deep down clean not able of herself - she is perhaps impotent against circumstances or a single periodicity or need additional power from another person to be free. Power is in such conditions power to redeem . Before the peace of the world can become a reality, the individual human being Domma far that desire with her will be greater that the power of his soul to solve the slumbering potential of the other and see them perfected than that with the power of his sryrka destroy them.
Through collaboration of fortunate circumstances , we Swedes have in rare
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degree been free from oppression and thereby from attack of lust reaction against oppression. So it is, too our duty to ourselves, our survivors and human beings to do what we
load of columns on 21st
can to such a precious heritage of freedom from aggression in the Swedish soul is not to be wasted. It is best done by seeking to realize the power of ideals to redemption and blessing , which basically lives within us all. - The day this happens for the entire West Landers vidkom -
(Continued a page . 44th )
page 44.
future becomes a power experience with which no existing power performance can be compared.
So far Dr. Bjerre . And here let us now other people in connection with his response to confess about their experiences.
Frågan till
Er Själ, som
kan gälla
hela världen:
Doktor Poul
Bjerre är för närvarande på besök i Tyskland för att på inbjuden av Filosofiska
föreningen hålla föredrag över ämnet: Tvång och ångest i förhållande till den inre
friheten. Att lösa frihetsproblemet
på en hel grundval är ju dr Bjerres hjärteönskan. Det mäktiga patos som besjälar honom i denna
stora strävan gick också som en varm och levande ström genom den serie föredrag
han nyligen höll i svensk radio och där han sökte belysa den enda väg som leder
bort från våldet och som en gång skall övervinna kriget.
Kan våldet
övervinnas? Det är en fråga som
intresserar oss lite var. Ty vem vill
vara utsatt för våld? Och, vem vill erkänna att han utövar våld, äntingen han
nu har politiken eller bara hemmet till valplats.
I sitt
radioföredrag om dessa problem talade doktor Bjerre om kriget som en
psykologisk företeelese. Han delar inte
någon av de uppfattningar som äro de vanliga:
Den ena som hävdar att ett folks slagkraft är dess hälsa, att
angreppslusten är den högsta av dygder och att den militära organisationen är
bäraren av folkets högsta traditioner.
Och inte heller den andra, enligt vilken krig är en kvarleva från gången
tid och därför snarast möjligt bör utgallras sedan dess gamla romantik har
skattat åt förgängelsen och blivit en massmördandets storindustri, Den verkligt övertygande pacifisten menar ju,
att om ett folk i endräkt och känsla av samhörighet lyckas bygga upp ett land
till ett gott hem för alla medborgare, är det en ärorikare bragd än någon
krigisk seger. Allt vad angrepp, intrång
på andras områden och maktexpansion heter ligger det pacifistiska tänkesättet
fjärran och den militära organisationen bäres enligt det endast av plikten att
värna kulturarvet.
av dessa båda uppfattnin-
next column
gar man än
är anhängare av" säger dr Bjerre, "så står man betänksam inför frågan
om kriget verkligen kan övervinnas.
Enligt min mening är den frågan i första hand en psykologisk angelängenhet."
Är det så att aggressionsdriften kan
jämställas med andra driftformer som behärska människans väsen, så är tanken på
krigets och våldets övervinnande fåfäng.
Man invänder kanske att en sådan drift kan sublimeras, men sublimering
är bland de mest tvivelaktiga moderna slagord som finns. Varje drift strävar efter utlevande i den av
naturen givna banan. Finns det en
aggressionsdrift, måste den, så länge människosläktet finns, ta sig uttryck I
next column
och folkens ömsesidiga angripande av varandra.
Men såvitt
jag kan finna existerar det ingen sådan aggressiv drift. Läran om densamma har uppståt genom ett
ensidigt och ytligt betraktande av driftlivet och är for den skull en sekundärt uppkommen hämningreaktion.
Och därfor
finns det hopp om att kriget och våldet skall kunna utrotas från jorden!
Men det
måste ske med hjälp av en av vårt väsens grunddrifter - samhörigheten. Liksom vi ej kan leva utan luften vi andas
och jorden som när oss kan vi ej heller leva utan somhörighet med våra
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människa kan i längden stå ut med ensamheten och dess brist på andlig
livsluft. Om en människa får leva fritt
och forma sitt liv ur egna förutsättningar, om hon mots av förståelse, får taga
och giva och känna samhörighet med manniskor och tingen, faller det henne
aldrig in att förgripa sig på andra och söka inkräkta på deras områden. Det är först när människan isoleras från Gud
och människorna, som hon reser sig i hat och angreppslusta i hopp om att kunna
tillkämpa sig det som förmenats henne.
Kärleken är livslängtans och samhörighetens fullkoming, men slås
kärleken ned förvandlas den till hat.
förhåller sig med folken som med de enskilda människorna: Där det finns svängrum för medborgarna och
intet tryck från ovan hindrar dem att utvecklas var och en efter sin egenart
och breda ut sig i gagnelig verksamhet, där man tar till sig och assimilerer
värdefulla inflytanden från när och fjärran, där intet stör samfärdsel och
samförstånd med andra folk, dar försvinner aggressiveteten.
gäller det att bekämpa det primitiva maktidealet. Det är inte bara statsmän och andra
inflytelserika personer som är av det; vi finner det härskande runt omkring
oss. Hos en söker sig viljan till makt
utlopp pa det sociala stridsfältet, hos en annan inom föreningslivet eller på
sportens område. Är alla offentlighetens väger spärrade
flödar maktviljan ut i familjelivet. Äktenskapet blir en valplats för kämpande
viljor. Skenbart gäller striden var
skåpet skall stå
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och vad
barnen skall ha på sig, men i grund och botten är det fråga om vem som är
Om vi
skulle göra klart för oss att det finns två slags makt, våldsmakt och
förlösningsmakt. Då jag säger: Jag äger makt över denna människa, så kan det
betyda: Jag kan tvinga henne att göra
vad hon icke vill, jag kan göra hennes existens om intet, hon är helt i mitt
våld. Men det kana också betyder: Jag
kan förhjälpa denna människa att göra vad hon innerst vill ren icke förmår av
sig själv - hon är måhända vanmäktig gentemot omstandigheterna eller någon inre
bundenhet och behöver makttillskott från en annan männiksa för att bli
fri. Makt är under sådana förhållanden
kraft att förlosa. Innan freden i
världen kan bli en verklighet måste den enskilda människa domma därhän att
lusten hos henne blir större att med makten av sin själ lösa de slumrande
möjligheterna hos andra och se dem fullkomnas än att med makten av sin sryrka
förgöra dem.
samverkan av lyckliga omständigheter har vi svenskar i sällsynt
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grad gått
fria från förtryck och därmed även från anfallslustans reaktion mot
förtrycket. Så är det ocksa vår plikt
mot oss själva, våra efterlevande och mänskilheten att göra vad vi
last of
columns on 21:
kan för att
ett så dyrbart arv som frihet från aggression i den svenska folksjälen ej skall
gå till spillo. Det sker bäst genom att
söka förverkliga det maktideal till förlösning och välsignelse, som i grund och
botten lever inom oss alla. - Den dag detta sker för hela Västerlanders
(Forts. a
sid. 44.)
page 44.
mande blir
en maktupplevelse med vilken ingen hittillsvarande maktprestation kan jämföras.
Så långt dr
Bjerre. Och här låta vi nu andra
personer i anslutning till hans svar bikta om sina erfarenheter.
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