Tuesday, March 11, 2014

1938 Husmodern Article About Psychology and Violence

Husmodern in 1938 emphasized literature and culture, Pearl Buck is featured when The Good Earth was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.  So the magazine read by my mother and her family as they made plans for an Excursion to Finland and on to Sweden in 1938 was not strictly homemaking, baking, and advertisements.  (My  mother and her brothers traveled as the Suomi Band, an earlier blogpost is about a newspaper article relating stories of travelers as the boat they were on arrived at Helsinfors.) So it was unusual for photos that showed the results of war to be included.  According to a 1962 World Almanac, the Spanish Civil War began in July, 1936.  The photos in the article I have Google Translated are captioned as showing the Spanish Civil War. 

I wanted to include this 75-year-old article, beginning today and continuing tomorrow, because the Pacific Lutheran University Campus is the site of the Holocaust Conference this week.  The article is about two kinds of power.

The question to your Soul, which
may relate to the world:
Dr Poul Bjerre is currently on a visit to Germany  invited by Philosophical Association to hold a lecture on the topic : Force and anxiety in relation to internal freedom . To solve the problem of freedom on a whole basis is Dr. Bjerre’s  heart 's desire. The mighty passion which animates him in this great endeavor was also used as a warm and vibrant current through the series of lectures he recently held on Swedish radio in which he sought to highlight the only road that leads away from violence and overcomes war.
Can violence be overcome? That is a question that interests us.   For who wants to be a victim of violence ? And , who wants to admit that he is engaged in violence , whether he now has policies or just is at home on the battlefield .
Frågan till Er Själ, som
kan gälla hela världen:
Doktor Poul Bjerre är för närvarande på besök i Tyskland för att på inbjuden av Filosofiska föreningen hålla föredrag över ämnet:  Tvång och ångest i förhållande till den inre friheten.  Att lösa frihetsproblemet på en hel grundval är ju dr Bjerres hjärteönskan.  Det mäktiga patos som besjälar honom i denna stora strävan gick också som en varm och levande ström genom den serie föredrag han nyligen höll i svensk radio och där han sökte belysa den enda väg som leder bort från våldet och som en gång skall övervinna kriget.
Kan våldet övervinnas?  Det är en fråga som intresserar oss lite var.  Ty vem vill vara utsatt för våld? Och, vem vill erkänna att han utövar våld, äntingen han nu har politiken eller bara hemmet till valplats. 

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