Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Choir Concert Tour to Finland 1930 - June 15th


At 10 o'clock we boarded the boat "Borgå" and were off for "Borgå", the city. We had a very nice boat ride, and we had breakfast and dinner combined, for which we had to wait until we were about starved to death. A crowd met us at the dock, and the choir sang for us. We sang at their statue of Runeberg and then we went direct to the Hog Skola, at which our concert was to be held. The concert went off fine, although it was so hot in the hall that we almost suffocated. After the concert we went to see Runeberg's home. We were allowed to go all through it, and we saw his wheel chair, his manuscripts and pictures, the bed in which he died and many other things. It was very interesting to walk through the house in which, many years ago, the man for whom the lodge is named lived and did his wonderful work.

They took us all over the town that afternoon - to the church - away upon the hills. over meadows, etc. and we walked. The main streets are paved with cobblestones, and it certainly isn't easy to walk on cobblestones when you have high heeled shoes. We certainly were tired that evening. Last of all we went up to Runeberg's grave. There we left all of the flowers and wreaths which we had received at our concerts. We also sang a few songs. They whole crowd - it must have been the whole population of the town - was at the station when our train left at 7:30. We went as far as Kerova and here we changed to our special car, which was our home for a week. It wasn't so grand, and the berths were as hard a planks, but we got used to it. The number of the car was 2724, so we called it 2724 No. Hobo Avenue.

Folk Hog Skola

Home of Runeberg

2724 No. Hobo Avenue

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