Thursday, January 20, 2011

About The Ruston Way Trees

As the Point Defiance Park planned its future at Park Charettes in 2006 and 2007, the edge neighborhood at Old Town on Ruston Way sounded like a good place to slow traffic or even provide the underground parking garage solution to the traffic at the point of the link to Point Defiance. To accommodate a sense of park trees, the Ruston Way area street trees would be maintained into their natural large growth. So, Ruston Way would make the best sense as an arboretum-style area.

I have felt proud of the folks who have initiated the parking lot green-lining. We know those are parking lots. The transition into Old Town and into the Chinese Reconciliation Park and into Point Defiance might be not correctly served by a brush and shrub-style mini-landscaping similar to parking lot green lining.

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