Thursday, February 26, 2015

Piano Accompanist Linnea Gord Diary July 21st and 22nd, 1930

Wilma, Tyra, and Olga at coffee at Malax
John Malm's Mother, age 90, is the lady far right

MONDAY, JULY 21ST 1930     -     Today was the girls last day in Malax, so everybody was running hither and there.  The Malm girls were planning on taking a 3 weeks' trip to America, where they would visit relatives.  Ha!  ha!
At 5:30 Gunnar Herrgard came for us in the big Malax bus.  By the time we left, there was quite a bunch of us.  When we were a little way from home Wilma began to search for her passport.  She grew excited and said that she must have left it behind--then after Gustaf had taken off his coat and sped away on a velocipide which we had with us, she remembered where it was--in her coat pocket.  Then Paul followed Gus on another bicycle to catch him.  It was funny to see them both drive up, hot and red in the face.  The rest of the trip went off fine, with all singing and making merry.  Upon arrival in Vasa we went direct to the station.  We all inspected the girls little tiny room in the train and then began saying goodbye.  After the train pulled out someone suggested coffee, so the fifteen of us drove to the torget and left the bus standing there. We walked to the Elite Cafe.  They made one great big table for us--and ho! what fun we had!  The coffee and cakes were fine, the music wonderful, and we all enjoyed ourselves.  We played a game in which we all wrote on a piece of paper, folded it over and passed it to the next one.  The result was funny.  However, at 10:30 the orchestra stopped playing, so we immediately went in search of more music.  Meantime, some of the men had reserved a table at Sandvik's villa for us, so we went there. It is the most American looking place I have seen in Finland.  It is a sort of cafe with a dance floor-a very small dance floor. The music was also American.  We danced and ate until the very last minute--in fact, until they turned out the lights.  Then the bus- load went away for Malax and Molly and I were ably escorted home in a taxi by Arvid and Helge.  Molly and I slept in the one room apartment where she stays.
At the Railroad Station

TUESDAY, JULY 22ND, 1930 - VASA AND MALAX    -    Woke up at 8:30 and met Molly's step-dad's sister and two other women.  Molly was invited to a wedding while we were still in bed and immediately began giving away all of her clothes.  By the time we were dressed she had given the bride-to-be promises of her white dress, her shoes, a handkerchief, a boudoir pillow, and the bridal bouquet.  At 10:45 we piled everything on the bike and went down to the boat, where Molly left her things.  Then we went to town.  We woke up Helge and Arvid by ringing their doorbell, and then we went for a ride and took Arvid home.  Later Molly and I went shopping, and so to home.
That evening, at home in Malax, we played Touring for a while and then went to bed.  I was sleepy anyway, although it seems funny to go to bed while its daylight. 

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