Monday, July 13, 2009

Coast to Coast Autos Arrive at Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition (see video 5 blogs down)

Charles, Birger and Eric Gord at AYP 1909
Yes! A reference to the celebration about the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition is my chance to show this post card which shows my grandfather and two of his brothers with two other men in a car with a banner with AYP on it. Model T's on a re-creation of the 1909 coast-to-coast automobile race to the Exposition were scheduled to arrive Sunday at Memorial Way, the formal entrance to the University of Washington Campus. (There is a video several blogs below.)

The most obvious association I make with photos and other items from my parents' archives is the memory of my mother's home. My mother brought my sister and me there twice a week all through our childhoods. Sometimes they brought out photos to to look through at the kitchen table, or other memorabilia. This hundred-year-old post card on it reminds me first and most importantly to me, of my mother's home, where it was first stored.

For my father, his photos' location was a different matter. All the photos left by my father must have been stored with his brother, Uncle Fred, while my father was in England with the U.S. Army in World War Two.

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