Monday, December 10, 2007

Harder for The Mother Cat

This is from Husmodern Jul 1937. The mother wears a nice dress and high heeled pumps as she knits near the Christmas tree. She and her children are inset into panels that show the mother cat, with eyeglasses and an apron, and her ten kittens. In the middle panel, one kitten has the skein on its paws while another rolls it into a ball, but in the bottom panel all the kittens and the yarn are unraveled while the kittens roll around with an upset look on their faces. Do these kittens look a little like the Katzenjammer Kids?



Mamma berättar: Ja, nog kan det vara svårt hålla reda på er utan att tappa alla maskorna. Men det är forstås värre för till exempel en kattmamma...Om hon nu har tio små ungar i nästan samma ålder och vill lära dem sticka, så kan det till slut bli ett enda nystan ava alltihop och en fyrtio stycken klösande klor - ja tänk er bara det!

Mother says: Yes, it can be hard to keep it all in order without losing the mesh. But it is, you understand, harder for, for example, a mother cat...If she has ten small young ones in the nest of the same age and wants to teach them to knit, so that can end up a single ball for all of them and a forty-piece scratching of claws - just think of that!

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