Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Photos of Browne's Star Bar and Grill from the Mid-Nineties

My father was born in 1902 and worked his way through the U of Washington School of Pharmacy.  He worked as a pharmacist, in World War Two he was at Fort Lewis as a Tech-Five (Pharmacist), and he met my mother.  After a year and a half in England with the Army he and my mother got married, and he worked at pharmacies in Tacoma.  He worked at The Economy Drug for nine years.  The Economy Drug was at the address where the Browne's Star Bar and Grill was in the 1990s.  

I went on a tour of Hilltop's old buildings in 1994 or 1995, I took snapshots, these are four that show the Bar and Grill. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Browne's Star Bar And Grill From a Blog Post on the Internet

Wanted to connect to a link that talks about Browne's Star Bar and Grill years back.  http://craigrecommends.net/wordpress/archives/172


Got potting soil in April and planted Nasturtiums seeds in May.  This weekend The Nasturtium Flowers had color and the first one came out this morning.  It is pale orange, several others show color.  They seem to do well with frequent water.  There are lots of great leaves the leaves themselves make a luxuriant bouquet.  

Saturday, July 14, 2012

All-Open-Mile at The Distinguished Writer Series in July and August

Yesterday evening was the July All-Open-Mike at the Distinguished Writer Series, with a second planned for August.  Determined Open Mikers assembled at King's Books, took the microphone one at a time and found it interesting. 

(1.  King's / 2. Laura Jensen / 3. Chestnut Tree)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Other Fireworks and Other Hail

On the dark sky past one building edge a distant blue effervesces and cascades.  In a next quadrant of the sky the large full moon - the face looks over there.  All that is other for me no chance the moon sees and sees.  And when early this morning something in the distance - then hits and rattles down.  All that is other, except it being so other reminds me of the moon.  The hail is the size of small marbles, or are they the size of lego bricks, the lego bricks from the library book of the Old Testament in Lego Bricks.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

At The Proctor Market

An apple, carrots, eggs, onions, potatoes, romaine lettuce, and a zucchini at the Proctor Market.  All such pleasant weather and a nice walk here.   (An earlier photo from an earlier year, which includes a rain puddle from rainy weather at the Proctor Market some time back.)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Blog About Swallows and Amazons

Wanted to connect to a blog about Swallows and Amazones, by Arthur Ransom.