Saturday, March 20, 2010

I saw people entering the Cultural Center via the Viking Boat entry and decided to try that, myself.  It happens to have dark  mossy rocks along the steps down to the small patio outside the sliding doors, it felt like a descent to a beach.  Someone did open the door for me.


The Saturday morning conference included Carl Wilkins, the only American to remain in Rwanda during the genocides in Rwanda.   He has flown to speak in cities, but now plans to bike down the west coast on tour along with his wife.  According to the conference, they have Facebook at The World Outside My Shoes.


The conference on Saturday morning included discussion about teaching holocaust studies in Junior High and Secondary school.  I had been reflecting about how the topic had been with me since junior high.  I remember that the topic was first presented to me via tv - the tv we had gotten when I was in fifth grade then showed us a simple floodlit place with plain chairs, dark behind, a space in which some very horrifying ideas were introduced.  There remained with me the sense that my parents had monitored our viewing of this.  I think this was presented through public television.


All these ideas have a high impact on children that young.  It was a very terrible idea to learn about Anne Frank and her family, along with others, had to hide in rooms above a business, never to leave, when I was in Junior High School.

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