Saturday, March 20, 2010

After I got the email message I walked home with thoughts of Friday morning.  Where were those notes I had from an earlier Holocaust conference at the cultural center?  When was that conference?


When I did find my notes in my files I found no reference to the year. 


So I checked my calendar records.  It was 2002.  Robert Ericksen, then, as now, was in charge of the conference.  The focus of the 2002 conference was Christian churches' role in the Holocaust.  The news article from September, 2002, continues with descriptions of evidences of Christian churches anti-semitic teachings. 


(First Lutheran Church in 2002 was kicking off its 125th anniversary prelude - it's 120th.  I was able to participate with three song translation inserts of familiar Swedish hymns used by the group my mother belonged to - a was with the choir and the hymns were performed during the approach to the 125th anniversary by the First Lutheran Choir. In about 2002 I had played some Swedish language records loudly on my stereo to make tape recordings.  Included in the folder of notes from the conference is a list from one of these vinyl records from the 1960's of a Swedish-singing choir from Finland.  During the visit to PLU I also had located one of the songs on the list in a book in their library and had xeroxed it.  It does not surprise me that I left the copy in the folder with the notes.)

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