Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Story of Ginni and Three On A Pilgrimage Quest: Part Four

PART FOUR - On Their Way

Today we continue The Story of Ginni and Three On A Pilgrimage Quest: In Part Three, Ginni, Andrew the Doll Museum Storage Manager, Porter, Rudyard, and Sylvia have emailed the CEO of the Doll Museum.

Part Four: Three On Their Way

The email from the Doll Museum CEO arrived. Ginni and Shadow went with the Pilgrimage Quest Members. They helped pull the sled toward the hill near the Doll Museum.

As they went across the doll museum driveway, a truck drove to the street curb and stopped. Two drivers unloaded the large package with the pet bed and asked Ginni to sign for it.

As the truck was driven away. Ginni noticed another package left just beside the driveway. "Oh! The delivery people have left this other package accidentally."

"Ginni," said Rudyard, "I believe that will be our magical red robe." Rudyard opened the package and unfurled a beautiful red cloth with mysterious patterns in gold.

"Goodbye, Ginni, said Sylvia. Your email to the Doll Museum CEO made all the differrence. Thanks."

Porter, Rudyard, and Sylvia got onto the sled, and they wrapped the magical red robe around the three of them. And the sled began to rise into the air. Higher and higher rose the sled - into the air above Ginni and Shadow.

"Goodbye, Ginni and Shadow, Goodbye!" The Three On The Pilgrimage Quest flew away happily. Sylvia was most happy that they would soon be back at the North Pole. Rudyard was most happy that their committe work had been a success. Porter was happy that they had actually found the sled, their search had been so long.

Tomorrow: Many Thanks To All

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