Friday, April 17, 2015

Twenty-five Years Ago, Trip to Denmark 1990

April 18th 1990, in the morning, my flight landed at Copenhagen Airport.  There was ” …then a sand shore that became an airfield, greener with low buildings with red roofs so much more modest and humid and colorful than the ocean.            
The Danish was mixed with English translations.  The bags came quickly and they did not search my luggage. “
At the airport I caught a bus to the train station.  A swan swam on a small lake on the ride.
“The old train station has scaffolding inside up to the high roof, kiosk-like offices inside – a bookstore, an information booth. I stopped, took a number in a large office with counters.  There I tried my first Scandinavian phrase -”Kan jag få  en tidtabel till Jutland?”
I was successful! The clerk gave me a timetable.
Other Scandinavian phrases are greeted with a disbelief, as though I am slurring so badly they wonder if there is some medical emergency, or if I am ill or not capable of speaking:  they seemed embarrassed – one must persist.
Hotel Hebron, Copenhagen 1990
I found the hotel.  It is true, these is a lot of color here, also so much detail and juxtaposed color.  New of course, it is like your eyes must adjust.”    At the hotel, I rested.  It was true, I was in Denmark.
It was Twenty-five Years ago, I went to Denmark.

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